Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gargoyles... Cascadia Style.

Here in Cascadia, the Pacific Ocean features prominently in the landscape, economy, recreational activities, restaurant menus and likely other stuff but I'm tired and can't think straight, so you'll have to think of the rest for yourselves. :-P

With the above influence in mind, here are some local gargoyles:

Benjamin on Victoria Daily Photo has much better photos of them. He takes great photos and he must have a great camera. If I ever spot him, I just might mug him for it. ;-)

For more 'That's My World Tuesdays' - click the pic:


  1. More elegant than sussex's weathered monster medieval gargoyles - although I did wonder if it might be a gallery of your least favourite friends!

  2. so like your gargoyles...always something i snap too.
    have a wonderful evening.

    oh...love your new header too...so clever!

  3. I love all of your gargoyles! Really interesting -- reminds me of some friends of mine! Just kidding! Fun post for the day!

    Have a good one!


  4. Interesting stuff. Can't quite make my mind up about the gargoyles. Not too sure about Shoal Point either. But I suppose the more muppets with millions you can cram into a condo block the better for the local economy eh?.....or is that just the cynic in me?

  5. I've never seen gargoyles with a nautical theme before, love 'em all, but for me the fish in shots 3 and 4 look traumatised, well I suppose they are fish out of water.

  6. I enjoyed your pictures and your gargoyles. They are really neat, I do not think I seen something like them before.

  7. What lovely modern and appropriate gargoyles. I like lots!

  8. He takes great photos and he must have a great camera. If I ever spot him, I just might mug him for it

    Just hit him over the head with YOUR camera. Sure, it'll break it, but you won't need it - you'll have HIS!

  9. I allways just love when my mates tell me how with expensive camera you can take good pics easily from left and right. Ab fab subject matter of conversation bout photography. And so true. Go gal, kick his ass. ;)

    Som ugly ass fishes you've got there evidently. Or lots of macig mushrooms.. XD

  10. those were amazing architectures. i would definitely love to explore more of the place. thanks for sharing.

  11. Interesting gargoyles, not the typical kind for sure. I invite you to come visit Old Fairhaven in Washington State. - Margy

  12. Nice Gargoyles Ms TB. If i photographed the ones here, they would all be back and smutty with pollution, unlike yours which look pristine.

  13. The 1st and 5th ones seem more angel than gargoyle to me. I've never seen fish gargoyles before. Interesting!

  14. Very Pacific coast indeed. I would be walking around with a stiff neck if I focused too much on what was sitting upon building edges. All in all, very artistic.

  15. Now they know who to look for when they find Benjamin mugged in an alley. You will be the first to suspect!

  16. i really like the fish gargoyles.
    they were all pretty cool though, very artistic and different.

  17. Unusual gargoyles, probably a lot prettier than most of what we have over here.
