Monday, May 18, 2009

For my British friends...

In Calgary, Alberta...

...where only the brave order the all meat pizza!


  1. lol....continuing the phallic theme

    Maybe you should rename the blog?? One phallus at a time?

  2. Ahem... YOU are the one always finding the phallus, Ms Mog. ;-)

    I can't even find one phallus, nevermind a daily successsion of them!

  3. These discussions are getting more interesting day by day. And they say men have one thing on their mind. Glad to see it's two way street. :) Maybe there's hope for me, after all.

  4. Ah, but I work in a hospital so am trained to find willies.

  5. It's not just men, prkl. I read some study that suggested that women think about sex much more than men do. I'd look it up but I'm preoccupied.

    Ah! That explains it, Mog. I don't even know First Aid...

  6. These signs just jump out at you, don't they? Until now I've been living in ignorant bliss as an American unaware of all the double entendres...I agree with Mog on your blog name. There does seem to be a recurring theme.

  7. Can't speak for all men but if one thinks it all the time, how someone else can think it more? Guess I'm a slow thinker. Minus the manic episodes. :)

  8. Not the kind of place to ask for a 12" sausage to go then?
