Saturday, February 7, 2009

More beasties...

Yesterday was another sunny day! <-- I can't believe I just typed that in February as normally at this time of year I have forgotten about that big ball of fire on the otherside of the ever present greyness.

And again the beasties are posing...

Orcas out in Juan de Fuca Strait. Yes, I know, these aren't great whale pics but it's wonderful to see whales even if they are way off shore. I chatted with a man who had a very zoomy lens and he pointed out that there were two pods out there. He'd been watching them all afternoon and figured there was about 10 in one pod and 20 in another. Now I want a big zoomy lens...

More of the river otter... awww....

Later in the day, things get a bit creepy...


  1. Great pics
    I have blog envy....

  2. How can you have blog envy?

    You have real, important, legimate content... I bitch about antiperspirant. ;-)

    Once you get drawing/painting and posting the results, I'll be even more envious as I've seen only a snipet of what you do and it's wonderful!
