Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who remembers Bob Ross?

And his 'happy little trees' and his 'ooooh, let me clean my brush'... whap-a-dee, whap, whap!

I'm not very good at drawing and, well, I'm taking a how to paint course for a reason. Last night's lesson was about painting a still life. 'Oh crap!' I thought as I gazed at the posing vegetables. I didn't know how or where to start. Suddenly, Bob Ross and his 'fro popped into my head... "We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents."

Wasn't he the coolest? Although aesthetically his paintings were not to my taste, he was a pure pleasure to watch and listen to. His 'Joy of Painting' was quite possibly the most hypnotic TV show that I've ever seen. He really emphasized that painting can be just for fun and it was with that attitude that I approached last night's still life. It's not finished yet but, so far, I'm quite pleased with my 'happy little tomatoes!'


  1. omg, bob ross! i loved him!

    but we all know that your tomatoes, happy as they may be, aren't so little. :-P

  2. Ha, bloody, ha-ha, Mr Anonymous (but your observations give you away). :-P
