Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More of that '101 in 1001'...


I made the list. It was more difficult to do than I thought it would be! Here it is and in no order of importance:

(completed items will be highlighted in purplypink)

101 in 1001

1. write up this 101 in 1001 list

book lernin’
2. decide whether or not to do an MA
3. look into the non-profit course via Mount Royal distant learning (not offered anymore)
4. take an evening course (or whatever) on something I know nothing about
5. read ten ‘classic’ novels (that I haven’t already) (3/10)

fiends & fambly
6. maintain my far-off friendships
7. expand my social circle locally; make a couple more good friends here
8. be more open with my friends that I want to be closer to
9. help my mom with her ‘fortwo’ smartcar purchase
10. go on a trip with my mom – Hawaii? Grand Canyon? Vegas? Tofino? Her choice? - she decided to go with a sister to Hawaii...
11. go out for lunch more with fambly
12. work on my family tree research more

13. sell the Ontario house
14. get out of debt
15. read that ‘income tax for dummies’ book
16. read three stock trading books (1/3)
17. buy an investment property in Victoria
18. prepare a will
19. turn the day trading into some more legit
20. find more ethical investment ideas
21. come up with five business ideas (0/5)

22. learn to make three different Vietnamese dishes: bun cha (noodles/greens/spring rolls), goi cuon (summer rolls) and bun bo hue (spicey noodley soupy)
23. take juggling up a notch; four balls!
24. learn how to maintain Rusty, my lovely car
25. paint my condo
26. get rid of the ginourmous laser printer
27. get rid of the ginourmous desk
28. throw new curtains up
29. learn about devices that I can use to help me hear the teevee without pissing off neighbours with the volume too high
30. fix the lighting in my condo
31. get/rent/steal a carpet cleaner
32. get a new mattress

33. find a man on this planet who can put up with me
34. and make him feel entirely fortunate that he can
35. decide whether or not to have a sprog
36. if yes, how… adoption, borrow, purchase, steal or actually drop one

vanity & materialistic desires
37. get a breast reduction (maybe) … and maybe eye work, a tummy tuck, lipo on my knees, nuke that leg vein, head transplant, personality injections etc… ha, ha.
38. keep on enjoying my wrinkles
39. a ‘lightening blue metalic’, manual, MINI Cooper S Convertible with all the splashy options … vroom, vroom!
40. have a really great wool coat custom made for me
41. get teeth whitened… but not freakishly white!

new tricks
42. learn to play one song on the piano
43. figure out ‘streamer’ thing (hearing aids/mobile/blue tooth thingy)
44. do the BCRPA theory course and exam
45. get certified in first aid and CPR
46. do the BCRPA ‘WT’ speciality module certification
47. get my PT certification
48. get certified in the ‘3rd Age Module’
49. learn to use my camera: f-stop, aperture and what not
50. learn to drive a manual car
51. take a defensive driver course
52. learn some conversational sign language
53. learn Japanese
54. learn Spanish

55. lose the rest of the grief/difficult/duvet diving year weight
56. get my aerobic fitness back
57. be able to squat 150 lbs
58. be able to deadlift 175 lbs
59. be able to bench press 125 lbs
60. be able to do 50 real pushups in arow
61. be able to do 5 pull-ups in a row
62. reconnect with Dr Perrera or find new doctor
63. get yearly physical… as much as I hate that
64. read up about mammograms and decide whether or not to get one
65. get teeth cleaned at least once a year
66. get that sensitive tooth sorted
67. have an appointment with a naturopathic physician

68. volunteer at Island Deaf & Hard of Hearing Centre
69. contribute in some way to the above using my skills (social research, cultural sensitivity)
70. find something else that clicks with me and contribute
71. renew my various charitable donation thingies

72. go on a road trip down the Oregon coast
73. go on a road trip around the Island
74. visit Peru
75. visit Japan
76. visit Eastern Europe
77. visit NYC

personal growth
78. read ‘Beyond Fear’ by Dorothy Rowe - wonderful book!
79. keep seeing my lovely headshrink once in a while
80. consider some massage therapy
81. put some thoughts on paper
82. practice strategies for hard of hearing communication

83. finish my flower explosion painting
84. take three how to paint courses (0/3)
85. paint ten more paintings (0/10)
86. take three pottery courses (0/3)
87. make some beads and pendants with clay
88. make three mosaics (0/3)
89. create ten pieces of jewelry (0/10)
90. make my ‘litter’ documentary
91. print ten photos I’ve taken or will take and frame them (0/10)
92. make myself a shirt, a skirt and a pair trousers
93. sew myself up something special

94. see an opera
95. try SCUBA diving – a beginners course
96. take up kayaking in the ocean… where sea monsters will attack and pull me under!
97. drive a race car or my car on a race track
98. take a trip in a helicopter
99. after this xmas… all gifts will be not be purchases (too late this year!)
100. go to an auction and buy something neato
101. re-consider, re-write and re-start this list when 70 items are completed

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